10 timeless tricks that remain effective today

I before e, or e before i?

For words with both ‘i’ and ‘e,’ recall the saying: “I before e, except after c; and in words that say a, as in neighbor and weigh.”



Quick estimate of time till sunset.

To gauge the time till sunset, count the number of fingers needed to fill the space between the sun and the horizon. Multiply this count by 15 to get the approximate time in minutes.

Old-school disinfecting.

According to Modern Blogger Pro, a traditional method for disinfecting materials or sponges is to boil them for 10 minutes.

Months with 31 days.

To determine months with 31 days, use your knuckles and valleys on your hands. Knuckles represent months with 31 days, while valleys represent 30. Alternatively, recall the rhyme: “Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have 31.”

Hand as a guide for degrees.

For a quick reference to degrees, use your hand. A 90-degree angle spans from the thumb to pinkie, with varying degrees between fingers.

With these timeless ways to remember essential information, life becomes a bit simpler. While smartphones offer instant access to knowledge, knowing these traditional methods can be invaluable when signals are unavailable.

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