10 timeless tricks that remain effective today

10 timeless tricks that remain effective today
Newer isn’t always superior; sometimes it’s just more recent. There are enduring tips and techniques that have been passed down through the years, occasionally even taught in schools, to assist individuals in retaining information.
For those grappling with questions like “Which month has how many days?” or “Is it ‘ie’ or ‘ei’?” the following 10 classic tips might prove immensely useful. Explore them and see if any strike a chord.
Distinguishing good batteries from bad.
Ever discover a loose battery and wonder if it’s still usable? Drop it from a height of one to two centimeters onto a flat, hard surface. If it bounces and topples, it’s no good. If it lands upright, it’s functional!
Finding south without a compass.
When lost without a compass or working GPS, fear not. If you have an analog watch and can see the sun, you can determine directions. Lay the watch flat on your palm, with the hour hand pointing to the sun. Place a toothpick or piece of grass between the hour hand and 12, and the end closest to the 12 indicates south.
Mnemonic for Roman numeral values.
Beyond I, V, and X, Roman numerals can be perplexing. An old-school mnemonic to remember their values: “My Dear Cat Loves Xtra Vitamins Intensely” corresponds to the descending order of 1,000 (M) to 1 (I).
Multiplying by 11 made easy.

For multiplication by 11, a straightforward trick is that the result is double the original number, for any digit from 1 to 9.
Differentiating waxing and waning moons.
To remember the distinction between waxing and waning moons, think of the waning moon as a C and the waxing moon as a D.
I before e, or e before i?
For words with both ‘i’ and ‘e,’ recall the saying: “I before e, except after c; and in words that say a, as in neighbor and weigh.”
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