Keep mosquitoes away from your home with one simple trick: They don’t come back

Before autumn, flies like mosquitoes invade our interiors. To ward off these unwanted insects, there is an effective and easy-to-implement natural trick.

The summer season also has its downsides. Summer evenings can be ruined by the incessant buzz of mosquitoes. In addition, just one bite of these insects is enough to cause severe itching and redness of the skin. Other parasites such as flies are annoying during the day, especially when they disturb the table during meals.

So how do you keep flies and mosquitoes away?

To prevent flies and mosquitoes from entering your home and disturbing your peace, there is an effective trick based on three natural ingredients. This solution is radical to repel these insects in a natural and long-term way.

  • Castile soap, an effective repellent against flies and mosquitoes
castile soap

Castile soap has several similar functions to Marseille soap. Made from olive oil, soda and water, it is a 100% natural product that contains no additives. It not only cleans the house but also repels numerous insects, including flies and mosquitoes. It also helps relieve stitches.

To use it as an effective insect repellent, you need the following ingredients:

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