She Married an Elderly Millionaire for His Money but I Never Imagined What She Would Do

Despite the rumors, the couple married in 2011

They didn’t hit at all and everyone thought he had lost his mind.

Just one year after getting married, Marcel died in a car accident in the vehicle of a friend of the couple.

This only revived stories about their romance and the convenience of her death, branding Sandrine a black widow.

We don’t know if Sandrine was really after her money, but we now know that Marcel was not insane. In fact, he was very smart…

After the wedding, Marcel  modified his will, bequeathing all his assets and possessions to relatives and neighbors in his cousin’s town.

His wife would not get a single euro from the distribution.  Not even if she wants the family home, the businesses or any of the properties that Marcel had, valued at hundreds of thousands of euros.

Surprised or disappointed, who knows, Sandrine tried to annul the will

But the French high court has determined that the will is authentic and perfectly legal. Nothing belongs to him

All those who called Marcel a poor idiot have had to swallow their words… And he  who laughs last, laughs best.

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